People like to study his lyrics for insight into what he was thinking. But what about his actual words? Let’s take a look at some great quotes taken from interviews and conversations with Kurt Cobain.
The 50 Best Yoko Ono Quotes
Let’s take a look at what Yoko Ono has to say with this collection of her most inspirational quotes covering topics such as Art, Kindness, and Love.
The 60 Best Kahlil Gibran Quotes
Kahlil was a poet and a philosopher with a deep respect for all forms of Art. These quotes paint a vivid picture of life that touch on themes as varied as love, freedom, progress, and happiness.
The 23 Most Inspiring Amelia Earhart Quotes
Amelia Earhart inspired millions of women, and helped prove that bravery and ingenuity are not solely possessed by men. Here are some of the most Inspirational quotes.
The 40 Best Neil Gaiman Quotes
From graphic novels like “The Watchmen”, to the fantastic novel “American Gods”, Gaiman has a style and substance unlike any other author. Here are his best quotes.
The 63 Best Anne Frank Quotes
Read a collection of our favorite Anne Frank quotes complete with beautiful picture quotes
The 45 Best Vince Lombardi Quotes
We’ve gone ahead and collected the 45 best, most inspirational vince Lombardi Quotes of all time. If you need a kick in the butt. Vince is here for you.
The 71 Best Abraham Lincoln Quotes
We’ve put together an amazing list of some of the best, most insightful, and inspirational Abraham Lincoln quotes.
The 54 Best Coco Chanel Quotes
Here is a collection of some of the best quotes by Coco Chanel, including several sharable picture quotes. Enjoy!
The 40 Best Michael Jordan Quotes
Last updated: 03/6/15 Michael Jordan was perhaps the best basketball player of all time. You don’t become the best without learning a few things about persistence, motivation, and success. We’ve combed through Michael Jordan’s writing and interviews and found some of his most inspirational quotes. Share your favorite, and no matter what, keep on trying. […]